Approved gap year providers

Established and experienced organisations who can evidence programme quality, authenticity and safety
Full members of the Year Out Group are all established organisations that meet our demanding criteria and can evidence the quality, safety and authenticity of their more.

They are experienced providers of gap experiences offering hundreds of programmes between them. Our approved gap year providers include private companies, charities and not-for-profits of various sizes and most are UK based.

They have met our criteria for membership, which means they will have the safeguards in place to support you on your gap, good knowledge of the programmes and of countries they operate in.

Fully Approved Provider members meet all our criteria for membership and are also actively involved with the group in order to ensure they are fully up to date with standards and expectations within the Gap Year Industry.

Verified Providers meet most criteria but are not active members, preferring the option to list themselves on our website only. Unmet criteria will be labelled on their page.

Aspiring members are working towards our criteria and are usually younger businesses with fewer years of operational experience.

Associate members include organisations that offer travel and travel advice services. They may recommend programs or services delivered by organisations who are not members of the Year Out Group and therefore have not been vetted or approved by Year Out Group

Use our guide to choosing a gap year provider help you decide which organisation you want to travel with, including any who are not Year Out Group approved.

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As a consumer and citizen of the world, make sure you research the companies with whom you think you wish to travel. This includes our members but especially organisations who are not in our membership as you want to be sure they are operating legitimately and ethically.

  You can use our guide to satisfy yourself that the company concerned will offer a truly worthwhile experience.

What standards can I expect from an approved gap year provider & Year Out Group member?
Public & employer liability insurance

Financial failure insurance or bonding*

Registered accounts

approved provider logo 2024

Programme authentication 

Risk assessments 

Crisis management plans 


Tip: Check whether a company has this logo on their website and that it links back to this website, where you’ll see them listed.

Gap Year Guide

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